Episode 9 – 88 Seconds – The Nerd Rage Awakens


The Episode VII trailer came out, so the three of us got together to chat about it!

We hope you enjoy the discussion!

Next episode, we’ll be discussing John Jackson Miller’s recent novel, A New Dawn.

As always, we want your comments, this is how you can get them to us:

Email: swstacksshow@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thestarwarsstacks

Twitter: twitter.com/swstacksshow

Find more info at our website: swstacks.com

Rate The Star Wars Stacks on Stitcher and/or iTunes. Your stars and thumbs up help others discover the show. Please share a link with your friends too.

Thanks for listening!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-9-88-Seconds-The-Nerd-Rage-Awakens.mp3

Episode 8 – Shadows of the Empire

In episode eight of The Star Wars Stacks, Chris, Jen and Joe discuss Shadows of the Empire, written by Steve Perry (Publication Date: April 1, 1996).
shadows of the empire cover art
Before the book though, we discuss a little bit about the major episode 7 concept art leak.
Next, we get into the spoiler free section where we give a “back cover” overview of the novel and our initial general impressions.

Finally, we spoil the heck out of the book. After the alerts we get into the spoiler seciton. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

One month from now, The Star Wars Stacks will release the next episode: a review of the newly released novel, A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller. Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome!

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/Star_Wars_Stacks_8-Shadows_of_the_Empire.mp3

Episode 7 – Chris and Joe Talk About Stuff


Jen’s busy so Chris and Joe talk about games, Rebels, episode 7 rumours and more!

We hope you enjoy the discussion!

Next month, we’ll get back to our regular schedule with an episode covering Shadows of the Empire.

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/Star_Wars_Stacks-Episode_7-Chris_and_Joe_Chat_about_Stuff.mp3

Episode 6 – John Jackson Miller

a new dawn advance copyIn this second special edition episode, Chris interviews John Jackson Miller, author of Kenobi (http://www.amazon.com/Kenobi-Star-Wars-Legends-ebook/dp/B00BO4GR08) in addition to the upcoming TV-tie in novel, A New Dawn (http://www.amazon.com/New-Dawn-Star-Wars-ebook/dp/B00IWTSGKC) amongst many other things.

We hope you enjoy the discussion!

Also, don’t forget our upcoming regular episode covering Shadows of the Empire, coming up soon! As always, we want your comments!

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/Star_Wars_Stacks_Episode_6-Special_Edition-John_Jackson_Miller.mp3

Episode 5 – The Last Command

In episode five of The Star Wars Stacks, Chris, Jen and Joe discuss the third and final novel in the Thrawn trilogy, The Last Command, written by Timothy Zhan (Publication Date: April 1, 1993).

last command cover artBefore the main topic, we discuss a bit of movie news, including Harisson Ford’s recent injury and some minor casting news for Episode VII. We also discuss Kevin Smith’s visit to the Episode VII set. Read more about it here:  http://www.slashfilm.com/video-kevin-smith-star-wars-episode-7-set-visit/

In book news, Del Rey released the 2014 Star Wars sampler, an eBook containing excerpts from the next four Star Wars canon novels scehduled to come out in 2014 and 2015. Get it free at: http://atrandom.com/starwars2014sampler/

Next, we get into the spoiler free section where we give a “back cover” overview of the novel and our initial general impressions.

Finally, the good stuff. After the alerts we get into the spoiler seciton. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

One month from now, The Star Wars Stacks will release the next episode: a review of Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry. Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome! Here’s how you can contact the hosts:

Email: swstacksshow@gmail.com

Visit our new website at swstacks.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thestarwarsstacks

Twitter: twitter.com/swstacksshow

Rate The Star Wars Stacks on Stitcher and/or iTunes. Your stars and thumbs up help others discover the show. Please share a link with your friends too.

Thank you so much for listening!

Check out the hosts’ other podcasts:

ChrisRag Tag Fugative Podcast (classic Battlestar Galactica): ragtagfugitivepodcast.com

Joe: The Upper Memory Block (classic games): umbcast.com

Jen: Anomaly (sci-fi/fantasy/general geek talk shows): anomalypodcast.com

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/Star_Wars_Stacks_Episode_5-The_Last_Command.mp3

Episode 4 – Dark Force Rising

In the fourth episode of The Star Wars Stacks, Chris, Jen and Joe discuss the second novel in the Thrawn trilogy, Dark Force Rising, written by Timothy Zhan (Publication Date: June 1, 1992).dark force rising cover art

We begin by discussing a bit of Episode VII news including casting and general secrecy surrounding the production, in addition to what small tidbits have been let out for public consuption.

Next, we get into the spoiler free section where we give a “back cover” overview of the novel and our initial general impressions.

Finally, the good stuff. After the alerts we get into the spoiler seciton. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

One month from now, The Star Wars Stacks will release the next episode: a review of The Last Command by Timothy Zahn. Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome!

Direct Download:

Episode 3 – The State of the EU

Happy Star Wars Day! In celebration of May the 4th, we’re giving you all a special episode!

star wars legends

On April 25th, 2014 Disney/Lucasfilm announced their future plans for the existing and futre Star Wars EU (http://starwars.com/news/the-legendary-star-wars-expanded-universe-turns-a-new-page.html).

In light of this Alderaan-shattering news, we sit down for a quick discussion of the news along with the first set of books that have been announced.

May the 4th be with you!

Don’t forget about our next full episode covering the second book in the Thrawn Trilogy, Dark Force Rising.

Direct Link:

Episode 2 – Heir to the Empire

In the second edition of The Star Wars Stacks, we discuss the novel that rebooted the Star Wars EU, Heir to the Empire, written by Timothy Zhan (Publication Date: May 1, 1991).

her to the empire cover art
The first portion of this episode is spoiler free and alerts are given before spoilers are discussed. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

One month from now, The Star Wars Stacks will release the next episode: a review of Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn.

Direct Download:

Episode 1 – Millennium Falcon

In our first official edition of The Star Wars Stacks, we discuss the Star Wars Expanded Universe novel: “Millennium Falcon”, written by James Luceno (Publication Date: October 21, 2008).
millennium falcon cover art

The first portion of this episode is spoiler free and alerts are given before spoilers are discussed. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to episode one of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion. WARNING: This novel contains spoilers regarding the outcome of the Legacy of the Force series (Jacen Solo in particular).

One month from now, The Star Wars Stacks will release the next episode: a review of Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn.

Direct Download:

Episode 0

Here we are! The Beta show!

This is our first stab at trying to figure out what we’re going to be doing. We discuss a little bit about ourselves, how we came to the Star Wars Expanded Universe and why we decided to do a podcast about it.

We also chat a little bit about our hopes for the Star Wars universe in general in light of the recent acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney.

In the next episode, we’ll be discussing the 2008 novel Millennium Falcon by James Luceno.

Direct Download: