Episode 19 – Star Wars Rebels: Season One

This week, we FINALLY get around to a review of the first season of the new animated series, Star Wars Rebels which aired on DisneyXD.

rebels characters

After some small news discussion about the episode 7 Vanity Fair spread, we get into it.

We discuss the characters and each episode of the first season of Rebels and have agreat time doing it.

Next time, we’ll be chatting about more general Star Wars news and topics, after that we’ll get to our next book, Paul S. Kemp’s Lords of the Sith.

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-19-Star-Wars-Rebels-Season-One.mp3

Episode 18 – Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Here comes a super special edition of the Star Wars Stacks where the three of us have a great discussion about some of the news that came out of this weekend’s Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2015.


We talk at length about the second Force Awakens teaser trailer, the upcoming Battlefront game, Rebels Season 2, Rogue One, Lando comics, costumes, models, observations, guesses about episode 7 and even more!

Next time, we PROMISE to finally talk about the first season of Rebels.

Send us your emails about the trailer, any of the books we covered Rebels or how wrong Joe is about things at swstacksshow@gmail.com.

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-18-Celebrate-Good-Times-Come-On.mp3

Episode 17 – We Meet Again, At Last…

It’s our bi-weekly news show! Jen is busy with some work stuff so we dragged in our official SWStacks fact-checker and thorn in Chris’ side, Mr. Bryan Dunn.


We first discuss the following news items:

Ep 7 trailer 2 in front of Avengers 2: http://screenrant.com/star-wars-7-trailer-avengers-2/ 

Star Wars digital editions: http://www.cnet.com/news/star-wars-film-saga-getting-re-released-digitally/ 

Kevin J Anderson Talks Star Wars Canon, The New Movies And The Novels: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/04/05/kevin-j-anderson-talks-about-star-wars-the-new-movies-and-books-canon/ 

TIE Fighter anime short film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=253&v=PN_CP4SuoTU

After that we discuss our thoughts on the four new Star Wars comic series, read emails and as usual talk about a whole bunch of stuff, both Star Wars and otherwise.

Finally, Jen narrated an audiobook and it’s on Audible! Check out Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass: http://www.audible.com.au/pd/Children/Alices-Adventures-in-Wonderland-and-Through-the-Looking-Glass-Audiobook/B00PUT9WY6/

Next time, we’ll be discussing our thoughts on the first season of Rebels! Send your emails our way!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-17-We-Meet-Again-At-Last.mp3

Episode 16 – Heir to the Jedi

In episode 16, we review the third novel in the new official canon, Heir to the Jedi, written by Kevin Hearne (Publication Date: March 3, 2015). 

heir to the jedi cover art

Some news before we get into the book:

Harrison Ford got into a plane crash

Star Wars to release 20 books in journey to The Force Awakens.

Star Wars: Episode VIII Gets Release Date; Spinoff Movie Called ‘Rogue One’

What Happened After Endor? Find Out in Star Wars: Aftermath

Next, we give our spoiler-free synopsis and general opinions on the book.

Once that is out of the way, we get into the spoiler section where we get down and dirty with the story. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion. 

In two weeks we’ll have our usual general disucssion show. After that we’ll be doing a slightly different episode where we give our review of season 1 of the new Star Wars: Rebels animated series that just finished up on Disney XD.

Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome! Here’s how you can contact the hosts:

Email: swstacksshow@gmail.com

Visit our new website at swstacks.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thestarwarsstacks

Twitter: twitter.com/swstacksshow

Rate The Star Wars Stacks on Stitcher and/or iTunes. Your stars and thumbs up help others discover the show. Please share a link with your friends too.

Thanks for listening!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-16-Heir-to-the-Jedi.mp3

Episode 15 – The Needs of the Many


In this special edition news show, we discuss a few topics including the unfortunate passing of Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy, Rebels, books, movies and more.

Next time, we’ll be back to pure Star Wars. We’re very exicted to discuss the newest novel in the Star Wars canon, Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne.

We hope you’ll be able to read it along with us. If you do, feel tree to send your thoughts on Heir to the Jedi or any of the other books we’ve discussed to swstacksshow@gmail.com.


Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-15-The-Needs-of-the-Many.mp3

Episode 14 – The Old Republic: Deceived

In episode 13, we review the second novel based on Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, Deceived, written by Paul S. Kemp (Publication Date: March 22, 2011).

the old republic deceived cover art

Not much in the news aside from a big spoiler dump (which we won’t post, find it if you’d like to read it) and rumours that J.J. Abrams is petitioning Disney to move the release date to summer.

Next, we give our spoiler-free synopsis and general opinions on the book.

Once that is out of the way, we get into the spoiler section where we get down and dirty with the story. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

In two weeks we’ll have our usual general disucssion show. After that we’ll be disucssing our next book: Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne. This is the next book to come out in the “new” Star Wars canon so we’re excited to read it!

Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome! Here’s how you can contact the hosts:

Email: swstacksshow@gmail.com

Visit our new website at swstacks.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thestarwarsstacks

Twitter: twitter.com/swstacksshow

Rate The Star Wars Stacks on Stitcher and/or iTunes. Your stars and thumbs up help others discover the show. Please share a link with your friends too.

Thanks for listening!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-14-Deceived.mp3

Episode 13 – Don’t Worry, She’ll Hold Together!

Time for another news special edition. This time we welcome Rico from the Treks in Sci Fi podcast (http://treksinscifi.com/) to discuss current Star Wars movie news & rumours, comics, TV and much more!

star wars marvel 1 cover

Here are a few items we discussed:

Disney CEO Confirms Release Years for ‘Star Wars Episode VIII’ and ‘IX,’ Teases More Trilogies: http://www.slashfilm.com/bob-iger-star-wars-sequel-trilogy/

‘Star Wars’ Standalone Testing Rooney & Kate Mara, Felicity Jones and ‘Orphan Black’s’ Tatiana Maslany:  http://www.slashfilm.com/rooney-mara-tatiana-maslany-star-wars-standalone/ 

How George Lucas’ Star Wars 7 Ideas Were Used By Disney: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/How-George-Lucas-Star-Wars-7-Ideas-Were-Used-By-Disney-69271.html

Director of The Phantom Menace says today’s movies lack substance: http://www.avclub.com/article/director-phantom-menace-says-todays-movies-lack-su-214571 

Marvel Star Wars #1: http://subscriptions.marvel.com/store/ipd.asp?spid=1105

Disney Eyeing Chris Pratt For Indiana Jones Revival: http://deadline.com/2015/01/chris-pratt-indiana-jones-guardians-of-the-galaxy-disney-1201360637/

Next time, Jen will be back with us and we’ll have our scheudled book discussion show covering Old Republic: Decieved.


Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-13-Dont-Worry-Shell-Hold-Together.mp3

Episode 12 – Tarkin

In episode 12, we discuss the second novel released into the new Star Wars canon, Tarkin, written by James Luceno (Publication Date: November 4, 2014).

tarkin 2014 cover art


Billy-Dee Williams will be repising his role as Lando in Rebels.

The full Force Awakens trailer is rumoured to be coming in front of Avengers 2.

Next, we get into the spoiler-free section where we give the “back cover” plot summary and our overall opinions of the book.

Then, we get into the spoiler section where we get down and dirty with the story. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

In two weeks we’ll have our usual general disucssion show. After that we’ll be disucssing our next book: The Old Republic: Deceived by Paul S. Kemp.

Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome! Here’s how you can contact the hosts:

Email: swstacksshow@gmail.com

Visit our new website at swstacks.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thestarwarsstacks

Twitter: twitter.com/swstacksshow

Rate The Star Wars Stacks on Stitcher and/or iTunes. Your stars and thumbs up help others discover the show. Please share a link with your friends too.

Thanks for listening!

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-12-Tarkin.mp3

Episode 11 – Our Geek Year

A bit of a different show to kick off 2015!


We got together with our good friend and theme song creator Rick Moyer and chat about a bunch of geeky stuff we remember from 2014. We talk about everything from Star Wars to Trek to comics to Mad Men to video games to Sony Walkman and more.

So a big variety of topics this time around just for fun, hope you enjoy our very free form chat!

In about 2 weeks we’ll get together for our regular book discussion where we’ll discuss our January novel, Tarkin.

Find more info about Rick at http://rickmoyer.com/ and http://www.takehimwithyou.com/wordpress/

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-11-Our-Geek-Year.mp3

Episode 10 – A New Dawn

In episode ten of The Star Wars Stacks, Chris, Jen and Joe discuss the newly published novel A New Dawn, written by John Jackson Miller (Publication Date: September 2, 2014).

A New Dawn cover artFirst, we discuss the recent reveal of some episode 7 character names.

Next, we get into the spoiler free section where we give a “back cover” overview of the novel and our initial general impressions.

Finally, we spoil the heck out of the book. After the alerts we get into the spoiler seciton. If you haven’t finished the book, or haven’t started it yet, listen to the first half of this episode then pause it when you hear the alert. Return to this episode of the Star Wars Stacks when you have finished the novel and are ready to hear the full discussion.

One month from now, The Star Wars Stacks will release the next episode: a review of the newly released novel, Tarkin, by James Luceno. Do you have comments on this episode? MP3 audio, emails, Tweets and Facebook feedback welcome! Here’s how you can contact the hosts:

Email: swstacksshow@gmail.com

Visit our new website at swstacks.com

Facebook: facebook.com/thestarwarsstacks

Twitter: twitter.com/swstacksshow

Rate The Star Wars Stacks on Stitcher and/or iTunes. Your stars and thumbs up help others discover the show. Please share a link with your friends too.

Thank you so much for listening!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/swstacks/SWStacks-Episode-10-A-New-Dawn.mp3